Thomas Kissell

Thomas Kissell

Thomas Kissell “Fight hard because you never know when it’s going to be you or someone you love. Be willing to be to fight hard, to be uncomfortable, to be called the devil.” – Thomas Kissell Thomas Kissell is the leading defense attorney and founder of...

Tyler Hannegan

Tyler Hannegan As we enter the fall season in St. Louis, Kaldi’s coffee is bursting with Pumpkin bread and hot teas, Forest park is filled with families enjoying the cooler evening, and the buzz of going back to school and recommitting to work fills the air. Gentry’s...

Bryan Lierman

Bryan Lierman Last week Gentry’s limited had the privilege of sitting down briefly with Bryan Lierman, a financial advisor for Renaissance Financial in St. Louis. As a seasoned, dynamic business man, we asked him why he chose to go into financial advising and how...

Christian Menne

Christian Menne In his own words, Christian Menne refers to himself as an entrepreneur, visionary, artist and entertainer. “Truly a renaissance man.” The professional St. Louis real estate agent, and long-time client of Gentry’s Limited, was able to share his insight...
John Moriarty

John Moriarty

John Moriarty I arrived late at Olive + Oak. Inside, sitting at the counter in the window, John Moriarty was drinking a glass of wine with a beautiful bottle of Cotes du Rhone sitting beside him. Dressed in a blue Gentry’s Limited blazer with a green and blue...
Carrie Burggraf

Carrie Burggraf

Carrie Burggraf “Whatever allows you to present the world with the best version of yourself, that’s your gift. You’re obligated to become the best version of yourself possible, because that’s how you benefit the world.” Carrie Burggraf is the first to receive bespoke...