Tyler Hannegan

by | Feb 23, 2025

As we enter the fall season in St. Louis, Kaldi’s coffee is bursting with Pumpkin bread and hot teas, Forest park is filled with families enjoying the cooler evening, and the buzz of going back to school and recommitting to work fills the air. Gentry’s Limited took a moment of this busy season to interview a local businessman after his photoshoot in the bold aesthetics of mid-town St. Louis.

Tyler Hannegan, Director of Operations at Mercy Clinic South, shared with us his wisdom for other businesses men, fashion inspiration, and the many reasons he chooses to call St. Louis home. >

“Often I will get asked from people if I “get tired” of wearing a suit all day every day…the simple answer is NO; you can never be over dressed, and if someone tells you that you are, well, I consider that a compliment.

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is the wardrobe. It is an ever-changing style and personal image in one’s life. I trusted Dakota to make something special before my wedding day for our rehearsal dinner celebration…and needless to say I will be a repeat customer and will continue to find what my next “look” will be.

“I am working on a startup with a few partners and have noticed that you would be hard pressed to find anyone else with the level of concern over detail than Dakota. Once in his shop and after a quick discussion you can tell that he is already on his way to a very successful career. If one understands and demands proper quality, just get under one of Dakota’s magnifying glasses and see what you are about to get in to…perfection.”

There are only three environments you can really control; your house, your outfit, and your car. More importantly are the people you choose to spend your time with. Nothing feels better to me than putting friends, a family or couple into their new house, or helping a neighbor sell their old house. It is the true American dream, and most people’s largest investment.”

Having been a ‘lifer’ to St. Louis there are many dynamics that have made me want to stay: my wife and our family, community outreach, Mercy and the Beer scene are all pluses. There is also nothing better than a proper pour of aged bourbon.
I prefer [bourbon served] neat, and a well-aged bourbon can use a few drops of Kentucky mineral water to “open it up.” I started my Bourbon collection after being introduced to the Weller and Orphan Barrel – Rhetoric 22 bottles (to be exact). I could also say the same about wine after drinking some “blue chip” Zinfandels from Turley.
Hannegan offered this parting encouragement to the men of St. Louis:

“Get involved, give back, support other local entrepreneurs, and build a network of trust with “the team” around St. Louis. We all need to do our part in the future success and viability of OUR city & home by being positive influences. I challenge others to look internally as to what you can do through your work or personal channels to make a difference…sitting on your heels and “being too busy” is one of the most laughable excuses I hear regularly.

Stay busy. Stay focused. Stay positive. Make it happen.”

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